Thursday, September 10, 2009

Epitome of testing my patience

It has been forever since I have posted. I have been busy with work and life and didn't really feel like posting. And, I am a little burned out on posting on my own blog since that's what I do as my job.

Well now that school has started again, I inevitably ran in to.. school parking lot traffic. UGH. That is the only thing that I can say. People are ruthless. And annoying. And selfish. And rude. Completely, udderly, rude. They create their own lanes which not only jeopardize their safety but others as well. They push their way in without a thought and flip you the bird. They peel out and do donuts and race and weave through traffic in their brand new cars. I have a theory that all highschoolers except my friends live life as though it is bumper cars. They can crash their cars in to others and their mommies and daddies will just buy them new ones.

Now, I am a pretty level headed person. The only thing that makes me get irritated (other than social injustices and all that jazz...) is irresponsible drivers. You think you own the road, I get it. But the minute you try to swerve in between two cars and you spin out and kill someone, I hope you get in HUGE trouble. Like jail time, baby. Why must you be so freaking ignorant!? Your "joyride" could quickly become a "deathride" for an innocent person. Or their young child.

Yes, I know people who have been killed by ignorant drivers, or who have killed themselves in driving accidents.

I wish people didn't just write "R.I.P Joey who died in a car accident" on their Facebook or MySpace or back window and leave it at that. I wish they would change their outlook on how they live their lives. I wish everyone who knew someone who passed because of a driving accident changed their driving habits.

So anyways, I feel like this is the thing that makes me want to scream. There are 3 people in particular who I see at school on a daily basis who are incredibly horrible at driving. They are rude and inconsiderate to the max, and it takes every ounce of self control (and help from God) I contain to keep myself from politely telling them, "Hello *****, I just wanted to tell you that you are the worst driver ever. And, I hope that one day, you are pulled over for your ignorant driving and given a huge, fatty ticket." UGH! But, alas, I contain myself. Instead, I smile when I pass them in the hallway and keep FAR FAR away from them in the parking lot.

the end of my rant.

And remember. We must be the change we wish to see in the world- Ghandi.
I hope to be that change.